Overcoming the Flooding Season: Preparations with the Dos and Don’ts
As they say, “Noah didn’t build the ark when it was raining”. Essentially, this parable reminds us that it is better to prepare before the disaster strikes.
Having been experiencing torrential downpours these couple of days, it is safe to say, Malaysia is currently experiencing another one of its rainy season—which is also a telltale sign of floods to come.
So we’re the ‘Noah’ of this situation. What can we do to prepare and what we shouldn’t do when the flood strikes?
Preparing before the flood
1. Make sure your floors are clean and free from hard objects
While there are carpets designed for floods, we want to recommend a more cost-efficient and feasible approach.
One of the easiest ways to reduce the damage done by floods is to ensure that your flooring is free from hard-solid objects.
This is because, when the flood hits, the momentum of the water can easily push these objects in an unpredicted manner.
The worst case for this scenario is that these objects can potentially hit you during the flood which can be severe depending on the size and weight of the object.
Hence, before the flood hits, we suggest cleaning up your surfaces properly. Something handy like a wireless handheld vacuum is ideal for accessing places that are hard to clean.
2. Ensure that your electrical items are properly stored
It’s a known fact that electricity and water don’t gel well with one another.
Having electrical items lying about when the flood hits can be a window of problems.
The most dangerous of them all would definitely be electrocution. If Lady Luck isn’t smiling on you, there is a fairly good chance that you can be shocked by the electrical currents.
That said, be sure to keep your electrical appliances in a safe place—at a higher ground or in a safety box. Wireless products also earn its value in this type of situations as they are extremely easy to keep.
3. Stay updated with the latest weather forecast
Staying updated with the weather forecast gives you an upper hand when it comes to precautionary measures.
Many OS like Android and iOS have pre-installed weather apps that can give you an astute forecast of the weather.
If you haven’t got one installed on your mobile devices, be sure to download them on your phone to be a step ahead of the weather.
4. Have a secure designated spot for evacuation
Ideally in a higher ground, having a dedicated place for you and your family to evacuate to is highly recommended especially if you’re living in a single house.
While the effects of a flood might be less severe for condominiums and flats, be sure to also seek your area’s management regarding the emergency plan for events like these—it is better to be safe than sorry.
The Dos and Don’ts
In the unfortunate chance that the flood has already stricken, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind to do and not to do.
The Dos:
1. Move to a higher ground immediately—given that the flood is still shallow
2. Turn off the electricity and gas supply as they are the primary vector for electrocution and combustion
3. Safety first, materials and items can be salvaged later or be bought again.
The Don’ts
1. If the water is deep and flowing with many debris, do not attempt to walk or drive through it
2. Try your best to avoid contact with the water as there’s a good chance it might be contaminated
3. Do not attempt to swim or dive into the water to reclaim lost items
All in all, we pray that our customers out there would keep themselves safe and sound amidst this flooding season. Like always, we will get through this together.